Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Strategic response to climate change by global companies Essay

Strategic response to climate change by global companies - Essay Example For the purpose of my study, I have to survey managers and employees in global car manufacturing companies. I seek to understand how global car manufacturers cope with the global climate change. I want to understand how companies change and adjust their strategies to ensure that the ecological needs of society are addressed. I also want to identify the current gaps in climate change strategic policymaking in global car manufacturers. The ultimate objective of the dissertation is to create an objective picture of strategic responses to climate change in global car manufacturers and propose practical improvements that could help to reduce the costs and negative consequences of the climate change for individuals and businesses. For this reason, I kindly ask you to spare some of your valuable time and fill out the questionnaire, which I enclose. I assure you that all confidentiality and anonymity requirements will be followed. No information will be disclosed to third parties. Please, ki ndly confirm that you understand and agree with the information provided in this description. By signing this form, you confirm that you voluntarily agree to fill out the questionnaire form and do not object to using your responses in the study. Thank you in advance for your contribution to the study. Signed _____________Date______________ I. Background information. 1. Please, indicate your job position. 2. Please, indicate your work experience with the given company. 3. Please, indicate your educational background, 4. Please, indicate the number of employees in your division. II. Please, choose the answer that reflects the situation in your company. 1. Our company spends considerable resources on ecology. A) Strongly disagree. B) Disagree. C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Agree. E) Strongly Agree. F) Do not know. 2. Our company develops and implements strategic climate change policies. A) Strongly disagree. B) Disagree. C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Agree. E) Strongly Agree. F) Do not know. 3. Our company informs employees about the importance of climate change and strategic policies to respond to the climate change. A) Strongly disagree. B) Disagree. C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Agree. E) Strongly Agree. F) Do not know. 4. Our company prioritizes climate change policies. A) Strongly disagree. B) Disagree. C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Agree. E) Strongly Agree. F) Do not know. 5. Our employees are actively involved in the development of strategic policies to respond to climate change. A) Strongly disagree. B) Disagree. C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Agree. E) Strongly Agree. F) Do not know. 6. Our company believes that climate change is a serious economic and social issue. A) Strongly disagree. B) Disagree. C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Agree. E) Strongly Agree. F) Do not know. 7. The company has an existing climate change policy. A) Strongly disagree. B) Disagree. C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Agree. E) Strongly Agree. F) Do not know. 8. Th e company does not have any climate change policy but waits until the problem becomes really serious. A) Strongly disagree. B) Disagree. C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Agree. E) Strongly Agree. F) Do not know. 9. Our company changes its internal organization to respond to the climate change. A) Strongly disagree. B) Disagree. C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Agree. E) Strongly Agree. F) Do not know. 10. The organization regularly re-evaluates its benefits, costs, opportunities, and

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Need a teaching paper for a diabetic patient (portion control) Assignment

Need a teaching paper for a diabetic patient (portion control) - Assignment Example Patient education Diabetes type  II is a metabolic disorder that is associated with high blood glucose and lack of insulin or simply insulin deficiency in blood (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). When it comes to management of diabetes type II, control of blood sugar is usually the central subject matter. After all, when ones level of blood sugar is kept within the target range, it can help him or her to live a healthy life. The main aim of patient education was for M.E. to improve her knowledge, skills and self-assurance, enabling her to take enhanced control of her own condition as well as incorporate effective self-management aspects into her daily lives (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). This is premised on the fact that high-quality patient education can actually have a profound impact on health outcomes of patients and can drastically enhance quality of life. In particular, this patient education aimed at teaching M.E. on how to keep a balance diet and portion control in away that will help her manage her condition-Diabetes type  II. In this context, my main goal was to promote the health of M.E. and to avert any further outcome associated with the disease. The information that M.E. will receive, will be of great importance in terms of enabling her to make changes in her feeding lifestyle and this will help in controlling her blood glucose within normal or target range. All other aspects associated with her conditions such as, if she had ever confided her condition into anyone, and if anyone has ever told her anything regarding her condition, were revisited before I brought about the topics to be discussed. She openly stated that she had shared a lot with her primary care doctor. In this case nonetheless, I assured her that my aim was simply to provide information that would her manage her condition well in terms of how to keep a balance diet and portion control. My primary teaching material in this case was a handout entailing illustrations and information about diabete s type II disease and the choice was based on the fact that illustrations serves to reinforce the point that has been taught and are easier to understand even for people who are not familiar with it. The first topic to be introduced was what diabetes was and its likely effects on ones body. I began by explaining to her that Diabetes Type II was a condition resulting from the failure of insulin to control to a minimum the level of glucose in blood (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2013). As a result, there is no absorption of glucose to be used by the body cells for the production of energy. Under the causes, I explained to her that the disease is caused by a mixture of genetic and lifestyle factors. Whilst some factors such as diet are under personal control or management, others, such as female gender, genetics and increasing age, are not. This, therefore, led into a discussion on the dangers associated with the disease: the danger of cardiovascular disease, including stroke and ischemic he art disease which are similarly life threatening. The next topic we discussed was what factors lead to Diabetes Type II, such as her Hispanic ethnicity, her old age, lack of physical activity, poor diet and family history of diabetes. Having informed her about all these, I then discussed with her about the things she could do in her daily life to manage her level of blood glucose. Specifically, I advised her to avoid diets that have high content of sugar. However, I emphasized that in as much as healthy eating is a foundation of any diabetes